Short personal update, for those who are new to the blog :)
Todd and I have now been married for as long as we knew each other before we got married-- 9 months! It's been awesome. My transition to St. Louis has been remarkably smooth and I think we've had an atypical first year of marriage as far as drama and adjustment are concerned. We've cried a little and laughed a LOT are so grateful for the grace God has shown to us, and given us for each other.
Also, Todd has been blessed with a wonderful new job that’s allowed him to leave Starbucks for good! He is now the Volunteer Coordinator for Mission: St. Louis; a non-profit organization that works to improve education and economic development in at-risk neighborhoods and empower community leaders and small business owners in they city. Mission: St. Louis is hoping to eventually partner with August Gate to reach a local government-housing community near Soulard-- and Todd’s boss has basically made him the point man for that venture. Todd splits his time between organizing M:STL’s current volunteer projects, and networking through August Gate to eventually reach out to the Peabody neighborhood. Even though there’s a LOT of new things to learn, Todd is enjoying his new job and becoming more friendly than he’s ever wanted to be with Microsoft Excel. :)
Working for Photogenic Inc. at the Arch, I’ve moved up into a supervisor position, which means more money and more consistent daytime hours. (Usually 7:30-2:30) I’ve also quit working as a server at Schlafly in favor of taking on short term summer promotional gigs (i.e. handing out Dentyne gum at Cardinals games, giving away Jell-o snack packs at the zoo). They pay very well hourly and it’s fun because sometimes Todd and I are able to work them together.
Our puppy, Gotham, is now eight months old, 55
Also, perhaps the biggest change in our lives is the fact that we’re entering our 5th week of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This class has turned our financial outlook upside down in the best way. For the first time since we got married, we are telling our money what to do instead of wondering where it went. Remember last newsletter when I mentioned that we’d bought a “new” Honda Element? Well, three weeks ago, we sold it. Todd and I both work just a few minutes from the house and from each other, and now that he sets his own office hours, it’s very easy for him to take me to work (I must say, I’m REALLY enjoying not having to hunt down and then pay for a parking spot) and pick me up. We’re saving $400/month by becoming a one-car family! And we are benefitting SO much from the class. July is our first month to follow a Zero-Based Budget (which basically means you give/save/spend all your money on paper at the beginning of the month before it comes in, and you don’t budge on anything). It’s a challenge, but one that will be well worth it when (Lord-willing!) we are debt free!
It is good to hear about all you guys are doing. And that dawg is B-I-G!